Wednesday, June 12, 2019

What Makes A Good News Story?

A good story is about something, which the audience decides is interesting or important. A great news story often does both by using storytelling for making important news interesting.
The public is surprisingly diverse, though people might share certain characteristics or beliefs but they have an untold variety of concerns and different interests.
So anything can be a news, but not everything can be newsworthy. Journalism is a process by which a news reporter or agencies uses verification and storytelling to make a subject newsworthy.
At its most basic level, the news is a function of distribution; news organizations like APA news agency create stories to pass on a piece of information to its readers, viewers, subscribers or listeners.
A good news story, however, does more than inform or amplify; it adds value to the topic. So, the elements of journalism, in fact, describe journalism as storytelling with a purpose.
Creating a good news story means finding and verifying important or interesting information and then presenting it in the best way that engages the audience. Good stories are part of what makes journalism different and more valuable than other content available in the media universe.
How a news story is told is more important to the audience than what the topic is. The best story is a well told tale about something, which the reader feels is relevant or important.
The best news stories are more complete and comprehensive. The news provided by APA News Agency, the best press agency in Africa, contains more verified information from one or more sources with more viewpoints and expertise.

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